Jumat, 15 November 2013

News Task

Jawa Barat Kini Jadi Provinsi Penghasil Batik

Batik sudah menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan bagi bangsa Indonesia. Semenjak diresmikan oleh UNESCO sebagai warisan budaya Indonesia, kini para pemuda dan pemudi Indonesia  mulai banyak mengenakan batik sebagai salah satu pakaian yang wajib dikenakan.

Sendy Yusuf sebagai Ketua Yayasan Batik Jawa Barat (YBJB) dan juga istri mantan Wakil Gubernur Jawa Barat Dede Yusuf  berkata bahwa dari 27 kota kabupaten yang ada di Jawa Barat, terdapat 24 kabupaten penghasil batik. Sebelumnya, hanya ada lima daerah penghasil batik di daerah pesisir dan priangan seperti Cirebon, Indramayu, Garut, Ciamis, dan Tasikmalaya.

Melalui acara InaFest 2013 yang berlangsung dari tanggal 28 Oktober hingga 3 November di Grand Indonesia Jakarta ini, Yayasan Batik Jawa Barat memperkenalkan beragam motif khas Jawa Barat yang sesuai ciri khas masing-masing kabupaten yang terdapat di daerah Jawa Barat.

Berbagai daerah memiliki motif yang berbeda sesuai dengan filosofi dan kearifan lokal budayanya. Motifnya diambil dari sumber daya alam yang dituangkan ke dalam kain.Sebagai contoh daerah Sukabumi, misalnya, terkenal dengan motif penyu. Hal itu dikarenakan Sukabumi merupakan salah satu tempat penangkaran penyu atau motif buah maja yang sesuai dengan daerah Majalaya.

Tujuan di adakannya acara ini adalah ingin memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat bahwa batik itu sekarang menjadi kebutuhan penting bagi bangsa Indonesia. Selain itu, kita bisa memperkenalkan kepada masyarakat bahwa batik tidak hanya bisa dijadikan sebagai kain tradisonal tetapi kini batik juga bisa menjadi dress, aksesoris, tas, maupun sepatu.

Selasa, 12 November 2013

My Beautiful Dream Destination in Australia

 1. The Great Barrier Reef


In 1997, The Great Barrier Reef is referred to as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. It is the only living thing on earth visible from space! It is known for the beauty of the inside and outside. He has the world's largest collection of coral. However, more than just fish and coral, if you love to dive, whether you are a beginner or an expert, the Great Barrier Reef gives you a good opportunity to do . This is of course Australia's natural treasures that you must visit

2. Sydney Harbor

Sydney Harbor is a natural harbor located on the East Coast of Australia. This is the link to the famous and iconic landmarks : Sydney Harbor Bridge and the Sydney Opera House . Sydney Harbor is one of the most beautiful harbors in the world . Ranked as the number one attraction in the Sydney region by TripAdvisor , offering spectacular views such as seeing a beautiful sunset or have a picnic , there is plenty to see and do , but do not forget to take lots of pictures while visiting this beautiful place



Uluru , also known as Ayers Rock , is a sandstone formation generous . another iconic Australian sites and listed as one of the UNESCO World Heritage site . It is a sacred site for the indigenous peoples who make it rich in culture and tradition wrapped in folklore . Sunset and Sun rise is the most beautiful time to visit Uluru and watched the sky shift dazzling colors 

4. Fraser Island

Fraser Island is another place in Australia including the World Heritage List . It is the largest sand island in the World ( 1840 square kilometers ) . Also , it is the 6th largest island in Australia while Queensland is the largest island . This area you can walk, walk, or fishing , but we recommend you do not miss the famous 4WD safari ! We also recommend two popular tour operator that will make a memorable safari experience : Dropbear Adventures ( located at 5 William Street ) and Australian Sunset Safaris ( located at 101 Akama Resort ) . You will get a chance to go through the forest and wildlife watching .

5. Wilpena Pound 

Wilpena Pound in the Flinders Ranges and is bound to give you a great outback experience with geology and wildlife . This is the best place for tourists to 8 in Australia . You can go on a tour flight or hiking to explore the stunning scenery . Among other wildlife , you can expect to see some kangaroos too. You can also go for a camel ride or pull a 4WD track . Wilpena famous for hiking tracks and offers something for the second pedestrian novice and experienced ( climb Mount Ohlssen Bagge or go for hiking at Lookout St Mary ) . You can choose to camp outside or inside Wilpena Pound Resort .



Kamis, 07 November 2013

Conversation Between Tour Guide and Tourist

One day Mr.Choi Siwon coming from South Korea.  He want to go to France. And he had appointment with tour guide her name is Febi. So in the morning he come to meet Febi for guided him.

Febi                       : Hi Mr. Choi Siwon good morning. I'm you'e tour guide,my name is Febi.
Mr Choi                : Morning Febi. You can call me Mr.Choi.
Febi                      : Ok,i will call you Mr.Choi. First i wanna tell you about famous tourist attractions are         located  in French.  Did you know about the Eiffel Tower ?
Mr.Choi                : Yes I know , but just a little I know about the tower . Can you explain more detail ?
while driving a car go to the La Tour Eiffel

Febi                       : I will explain it . Took second place in the French tourist places most visited by      tourists is the Eiffel Tower or La Tour Eiffel . With as many as 6 million tourists visit more per year. Tower  which was founded in 1889 has now become an icon of French country , especially the city of Paris where the Eiffel Tower is located.
Mr.Choi                : Wow that is amazing , how high the tower ?
Febi                       :The tower has a height of 320 meters with the floor as much as 8 levels . And if you visit France , especially the City of Paris , it is not complete if you have not visited the Eiffel Tower and took pictures in front of him .
Mr.Choi                : I want to take pictures near the Eiffel Tower , can you photograph me for a keepsake
Febi                       : Sure I 'll photograph you .. okay on the count of three say to ceesh .
cekrrreeek …. sounds of camera

Mr. Choi:             This picture out very nice and the view of Eiffel Tower so cool. Ok after this,where we     going again ?
 Febi                      : After this we are going to second place. The place is Musee de Louvre Museum
Mr. Choi               : Oh museum ? it sounds very interesting
Febi                       : Yes indeed very interesting , this place is a museum that was originally a fortress in the Louvre Palace . This place was built during the reign of King Phillip II . With an area of ​​about 6,600 square meters , this museum has a collection of historic objects by more than 35,000 from prehistory to the 19th century era .
Mr. Choi               : Ah this museum is very beautiful , with the shape of the building is luxurious , elegant and full of art . And it was have a lot of history as well as ancient objects that have a history .
Febi                       :  Sorry Mr. Choi seems to visit this day was over, tomorrow morning  we could continue around to the other places. These days I hope I become a good tour guide for you
Mr. Choi               : Oh… well then, I'll see you in the morning. Thank you for this day, you can accompany me to visit beautiful places. I'll see you tomorrow..See you soon
Febi                       :See you soon too Mr. Choi